Friday, June 24, 2011


I've often been told that I seem to ooze a certain confidence.
Maybe I do maybe I don't... It's hard to be certain of something that you are the soul judge of, especially when it is with regard to your own abilities....

The one thing I can be positive of, is that cats DO have confidence. They will rarely if ever second guess themselves.... have you noticed?

Put it this way... Have you ever walked along a length of 2 x 4 four timber that is laying on the ground?
Easy isn't it?
I mean... even I can manage a couple of flowery pirouettes while prancing down the timbers length
Try lifting that piece of timber and setting it atop a pair of chairs.... shit changes huh..???

Now try putting that same piece of timber atop a pair of 7 foot ladders!!! Shit just got VERY real, right!!!

Cats don't get that.

Yes... Cats fall. I've seen a cat I once owned fall from the roof of my house. Sure he landed on his feet as all cats will... but he was messed up!
I saw an Opossum do the same and that sucker ran sideways for forty feet before he collided with the bottom of the neighbours fence and skimmed off it, to finally vanish out of sight, a giant ball of hissing angry fur.... You can guarantee though that he slept WELL off the ground that night. Somewhere 30 or 40 feet above the ground in a tree!
But cats are not afraid to walk the 2 x 4 even if it is 30 feet from the ground, more sometimes.

Now I don't know about you but 30 feet is NOT the sort of distance I take in my stride when it comes to falling.
That shit will will fuck you up!
So I'm short at 5' 7" and 30 feet feels like a long way up.... how the hell does that feel as a cat!
And yet those little suckers will sleep on that 2 x 4 - 30 feet up in the air.... They'll sleep or wash!!!

That my friends is confidence.

So it leads me to wonder.... What changes in our lives that eventually erodes that confidence we have in ourselves as we get higher from the ground or as we get older?

Is it our ability to calculate odds, is it our ability to calculate the cost of the consequences.. or is it simply fear...

I used to think nothing of having a friend drive a car at me so that I could leap onto the bonnet, roll up the windscreen and land on my feet on the roof..... I simply would not do that now. But WHY? I could do it when I was younger and surely I am a far more able and capable man now... surely...
But I would not attempt the same stunt now as that more able and capable man...

What does that mean...?

All I really know... is that...

I wish I was a cat....
