So I've had a bit of an end of summer cold and I thought it best to stay away from work for awhile being as it’s about 30deg C in the work place and the huge array of fans would have sent that bad boy virus racing around the shop faster than a nip slip photo of Angelina Jolie would circulate the Internet!
On the second day away I rang the office and couldn't get hold of anybody so I decided it would be best to ring the boss directly on his cell.
He’s a bloody good sort my boss and we have a brilliant relationship, considering…
(story to follow… one day… maybe...).
While I was talking to him I was struck by a revelation, not quite an epiphany… no… definitely a revelation, but nevertheless engaging.
I had woken up and for whatever reason - either I had slept on one side of my head longer than the other - or the pressure on one of my sinus was greater than the other, I can’t be sure but I'm thinking probably the later, one of my eyes was lower or higher on my head than the opposing one.
I shit you not!
My head/face was all kind of lopsided…???
The first that I noticed of this enigma was that my vision was kind of blurry.
Not so unusual when you've got a cold right?
I went to the bathroom to look in the mirror.
Not a lot of joy there, my vision was so blurry I couldn't really make out my reflection.
It took me awhile but I finally managed to haul in some focus and yeah… my face was all bung!
You know what...?
It didn't bother me in the least.
So when I was talking to the boss on the phone I said to him, “dude I’m just ringing to let you know, today is a ‘no show’ for me”, he laughed and said something like “from the sound of it I’m not surprised, you sound like you've got a head full.”
I explained that my face was all cockeyed into the mix.
I guessed that most people would be horrified.
He wasn't of course because it wasn't happening to him, but… neither was I.
Then it struck me!
I said to him, “You know what mate?”
“The one upside of taking so many drugs when I was young is that when something like waking up with a cockeyed face happens because you've got a massive head cold, you find yourself staring in the mirror saying – oh well... Ive seen you looking much worse Daryl”.
“Nature did this to you and Nature will most likely put it right again”.
And that is the truth! It really is. It wasn't some green or red or purple little pills that did this so unlike those times when one eye was pointing up and one eye was looking left, this mornings little setback was nothing to get even slightly flustered about!
It’s small compensation for what I may have done to my kidneys or liver during those crazy times but heyyy… you wont find me freaking out when I wake up looking like a Scotsman has lost control of his Caber and tossed it straight into the side of my noggin.
Currently listening to:
Bubbles in my sinus and ringing in my ears.