Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Of Electric Socks...

Entry for June 23, 2009
We are currently experiencing a bit of a cold snap in Auckland and across the country in general to be accurate.

The workshop that I spend the better part of my days in is rather large and the air conditioning still hasn’t been installed so it closely resembles the cool store in the local bottle shop until about one o’clock in the afternoon. By three in the afternoon the temperature begins a rapid decline back towards perfect beer temp again.

Being that our primary business is the manufacture of battery charging system for industry there is no shortage of energy available in the form of batteries and surprise, surprise, chargers in my immediate vicinity.
That, coupled with the cold got me to thinking that some electric socks would be just the ticket for keeping my feet warm while sitting at my desk.

I figured they didn’t have to be too flashy as they would spend most of the day under my desk inside shoes with my jeans or overalls over the top.
So Monday night just gone I sat myself down on the floor in my lab at home and proceeded to weave some thin nichrome wire through a pair of long woolen footy socks I had selected for the job.

It was quite a lot more work than I had envisaged but eventually, after multiple foot stabbings I managed to get the wire fairly evenly distributed around the feet and half way up the leg section of both socks. I super glued a couple of ceramic connectors just below the top of the socks to connect my power wires to and was reasonably happy that by folding the top of the socks down over the connectors the whole shebang would stay in position so long as I didn’t decide to move around too much.

I had spent a few hours that day designing and building a simple adjustment device that by my best reckoning would give more than enough control over the elements now woven into the socks. I then wasted little time connecting this to a battery of a type I knew we had plenty of at work.


Success is mine
Or so it did at first appear...

Because I had to weave the element through the socks the nichrome wire came into direct contact with my skin in places and although I could have simply put the electric socks over the top of another pair of ordinary socks to overcome this problem I felt that in some ways that was inefficient and to some degree defeated the point of electric socks on the whole. I figured that I should be able to adjust the power into the elements to a point where the wire was not uncomfortable against my bare skin, yet still produced enough heat to be of benefit.

It was during that adjustment that things went horribly awry!

For no apparently good reason my controller decided that it would choose that very moment to lose all semblance of control and go from near minimum to flat out!

I gauge myself as a reasonably adept electronics engineer but for some reason when it comes to experiments I conduct upon myself I show a frightening lack of foresight or consideration for potential failure and the associated consequences.

If you feel so inclined see how long it takes you to completely remove a pair of reasonably snug fitting, long footy socks...

The flurry of activity that took place on the floor of my lab was dynamic to say the least!

The socks went from comfortably warm to suitable for the cremation of rhinoceros in the blink of a now watering eye. To further add to the ensuing chaos, my cat Walt had come into the lab while I was weaving the wire into the socks and settled himself on top of a pile of magazines in one corner and at my first bellow had levitated a good two feet from the ground, doubled in size and lit out for the door, legs peddling at the speed of light.

Alas, his escape was not to be so easily executed for as soon as his frantically scrabbling legs hit the ground they came into claw contact with the pile of magazines he had been sitting upon and they proceeded to shoot out from under him like so many cards dealt from the hand of an experienced croupier and in his effort to correct his lack of forward motion he misjudged the gap in the door and collided heavily with the door frame. The impact of the collision was enough to knock him backwards and off his feet – for a Pico second!
In almost the same movement he was back on his feet and headed in my direction.
The look in his eyes was unnerving to say the least and for a moment I felt a touch of panic, only for a moment mind because within the next, he was in my lap all 11 kilo’s of him.
Despite the pain in my feet I felt every claw.
Caught between my overwhelming desire to throw him from my lap and through the half open door and the need to get the twin induction furnace’s off of my feet, I failed abysmally at both.
Sure, Walt sailed through the door but not before managing to just barely hook a single claw under the tip of one of my nostrils and drag the other outstretched paw down my arm.

I hit the floor, writhing in agony, screaming a foul torrent of cuss words and tore at the socks that now had the similar feeling I would imagine you could expect if you were wearing wasp nests as shoes.
All of this occurred in a matter of seconds and the several seconds longer it took to remove the socks seemed to be drawn out by some strange bend in the time space continuum giving me ample time to not only receive multiple small burns on my feet but a fairly decent number to my fingers in to the bargain.

I ran through the bi-fold doors that separate my lab from the bathroom and turned the shower on my feet and hands and despite my panic was relieved to find that the damage was pretty minimal with only a couple of tiny burns around my heels and several more on the top of my feet and toes.
It was while I was still standing in the shower looking wistfully at my scorched thumbs that the socks caught fire.

Shit, shit, shit!

Get the wet flannel - back into the lab.

Shit! Sore feet!

Damnit not woolen socks after all - wool and nylon mix


Smoke alarms gone off!


YES WALT - I want to be outside too!

Oh for fucks sake the nylons melted and stuck to the floor!

FML! the socks have joined the homemade electrolysis machine in the junk pile and will not be revisited.
As I said to a friend; I really should have learned my lesson from the motorcycle heated handgrip exercise because that too was an exceptional catastrophe.

– It is also, another story...

Currently listening to:

Cold War Kids - We Used To Vacation.
Sheryl Crow - Detours

Of mice and men...

Entry for June 09, 2009
Its been awhile but to be honest the busyness has been nothing more than mundane.

O.k, so this is one of those logs I am kind of hoping my daughter doesn’t come across until enough time has past that she might be able to see the funny side of it.

Alex has been looking after (if that’s really the right word for it, because it seems more to me like, held captive) two pet mice for the past two years.

She got them when they were very small and for quite some time they seemed more than happy to stay within the safe confines of their cozy wee cage. However as time came to pass and they became more adventurous they began to make nighttime forays out into the house to peruse the contents of the various rubbish bins situated throughout.

It was not uncommon for me to wake to the sound of Alex returning one or both of the wayward explorers back to their cage in the middle of the night having found that she was in fact sharing a bed with one or other or both!. Often we would notice them near one of the bedrooms and several hours later they would have returned themselves back into their cage, they seemed to come and go entirely as they pleased and in the end we gave up worrying too much as so long as they could get back in the cage we reasoned that they would at least be able to find plentiful food and water.

At first I was concerned about the possibility of interbreeding with locals who would often turn up from the fields out back whenever the weather started to turn cold. I was also concerned that mouse pee, no matter the miniscule size had a tendency to cause a powerful and long lasting odor that was extremely difficult to hunt down to source and certainly did nothing to make a house more welcoming.

This went on for quite sometime and I was pleased to find that neither of my fears were realized and although both Alex and I lived in constant fear that our cat would be found one morning proudly displaying the sad remains of Honey or Bella this too proved not to be the case. In all honesty I found it quite cute to discover one of these brave little ladies trotting around my feet in the kitchen, quite unperturbed by my presence. In some ways they were like really, really small cats.

Eventually one of the large field rats from outside decided to take up residence in the floor space below our dishwasher and before I had a chance to feed him the deadly green barley of horrible and intense thirst I believe he met with Honey and Bella because from that day to this, the two mice have never again left their cage under their own steam.

That was nearly a year ago and since that time Alex has grown and changed quite a great deal and the mice are not as attractive to her as they once were. As such they receive, in my belief the most frugal of attentions. Yes, she still feeds and waters them regularly but that is about the limit of interaction they have with their master these days.

So... last weekend I looked at these two (who I believed were looking at me pleadingly) and decided that their lives had more worth than old and forgotten toys and they simply deserved better than to be locked in a small cage never to be played with caressed or stroked and.... I took it upon myself to release them back to the wild.

Well it was the proper thing to do right?

I took them out into the back garden and found them a nice warm, dry and sheltered little spot up beside the house where the rain never gets to. There was plenty of dried grass for them to use as nesting material and lots of grass and flower seeds down by the soil for them to eat. There was also a large pile of old firewood that had been stacked right there but never used and it looked nothing short of perfect as a new lodging.


Problem solved.

Fast forward to today, Wednesday.

I hear Alex going into the spare room where the mice cage is... There’s the rattling noise of the mouse food container as food is poured into the bowl and then she emerges holding the water bottle. She fills it and returns to the spare room. I’m sitting in the kitchen, the hairs on the back of my neck all stood up and my sphincter drawn up to somewhere just below my neck, waiting, waiting... Next minute she appears at the door, flashes me her usual smile and heads off to her room to finish getting ready for school.

See – I thought to myself. You did the right thing; she didn’t even take the time to look for/at them and realize they aren’t there. So it was with a certain degree of relief that I went to shut the door to the room and pass a cursory glance at the now redundant cage...

Fuck me!
The little bastards had found their way back! And got back into the cage again!

Daryl. W

Currently listening to:
Blips via Blip.FM

Of policemen and speeding...

Entry for March 17, 2009
I was stopped by the Police while driving down country yesterday. Yeah o.k so admittedly I was getting along a little quickly but only a touch over 120. As soon as I saw him, way off in the distance I got off the go button pretty smartly but damn those automatic’s for just cruising along and not offering any engine braking!

There's something that really annoys me about getting speeding tickets on virtually empty roads that are quite safe in my humblest of opinions, for twice the speed they are rated for!

So... screeching u turn and flashing blue lights.

I pulled over to the shoulder as soon as I saw his indicator go on and already had my license out by the time he finally sauntered up to my window.

“Morning sir” he greets me in the most annoyingly supreme manner, knowing full well it is certainly not going to be a good morning for me at all.

“Are you aware how fast you were traveling back there sir” he offers (still looking far too superior for my liking).

“Well given that this is a highway and taking into account the way the lamp posts were flashing past the side windows I was indeed aware it was most unlikely that I was out for a stroll, so yes” I replied, hoping for all the world that I sounded half as sublime as he and all the while proffering my most placating benign smile. (...was that a twitch I saw in the corner of his mouth, couldn’t be, this is a Policeman, everybody knows the Police have no sense of humor).

“Sir, do you understand why I have asked you to stop”

“Well” I replied feeling my ‘please just fuck off and let me go smile beginning to slip’ “I suppose it would be too much to expect that you have pulled me over to compliment me on my exemplary driving skills – yes?”

I have never, ever in my life got away with anything when the Police are standing next to my window like this guy was. But he laughed! And I mean he really laughed.

“Look” he said, trying ineffectually to stifle his grin. “The reason I’ve asked you to stop is that the speed limit through this area is 100Km/h and you were a little in excess of that”.

“Ah yes, I did surmise as much” I offered, “Perhaps I was just being somewhat over zealous on the whole”.

“The truth is” he continued, “I clocked you doing 119 and you are quite welcome to come over to my vehicle and see the display for yourself”.

“No, no not at all” I gushed knowing I was completely defeated.

“So... all I wanted to say sir was, please, just slow it down a bit o.k, I know it’s only 19km over the limit but that seems to be where a lot of crashes are happening these days, 100 is the limit sir, not the target”. "So please watch your speed and have a nice day sir".
And with that he was gone.

No ticket!

There is a god!

Maybe he used to wear a blue uniform?

Gobsmacked does not come anywhere near it.

So yay! to the Police, or should I say yay! to that Policeman – I don’t even know your name but you have restored my faith in Policekind.

Currently listening to:

Violent Femmes - Violent Femmes
The Black Crowes - Shake your Money Maker

Of Christmas trees and toilet rolls...

Entry for March 04, 2009
It seems that Alex and I are a little unconventional when it comes to the day to day activities that most people perform by convention!

Now, where was I meaning to go with this... Ah yes - Last night I took down our Christmas tree... A bit late you say, honestly we just don’t give a sideways toss about that sort of shit.

I think last year we got it down just after Easter – which I thought was reasonably appropriate despite the odd looks and scornful comments from others.
The year before didn’t see the Christmas tree out of the lounge until about August! And then it really only happened because I bowed to pressure from my mom who insisted that she felt a little creeped out by it.

Alex and I just liked the pretty lights –

I think we find it so easy to live with each other because we live under a common premise – ‘Worry about the big things, the little things will take care of themselves’.

We worry about making sure that we are both as happy as possible, the fridge is full, school uniforms are washed, the car works, the internet works and the bills are paid, oh yeah and our family and friends are safe and happy – the rest can wait in our book.

Some families have arguments generated by the most smallest of “things” not the least of which is due to the monotonously repeated suggestions by parents, that a child’s certain behaviors change or be modified.

Alex and I consider most of these things fall into the “little things” category and rather than allow them to become a bone of contention we often choose to take the piss out of them.

For example: How many times have you heard the battle cry – “put the empty roll in the rubbish bin and put a new roll in the holder damnit – how many times do I have to tell you!”, when mom or dad have been in the loo for a few minutes?
Alex and I attempt to amuse each other by... not disposing of the empty toilet roll in the laziest way possible. My best to date, according to Alex was to leave the empty roll on the dispenser and plonk the new roll on top of it. She on the other hand took the cake in my view by storing the empty rolls on the handle of the toilet brush, although admittedly, throwing several empty rolls into the hand basin and leaving one on the floor beside the rubbish bin was a nice touch as well!
Sometimes we wear socks in the kitchen when we’re making dinner because neither of us can be bothered mopping the floor and it just seems a whole heap easier to throw dirty socks into the washing machine than get out the floor mop and bucket and argue over who’s going to do it.

Lazy? Maybe.

Efficient? Definitely!

So anyway the Christmas tree is no longer in the lounge – it’s now in the spare room, we leave it up and fully decorated, it saves going through all the hassle of re-decorating it and untangling all those lights next year.

...I know I deserve a bloody good clap round the head.

Much Love.

Currently listening to:

Fallen - Evanescence

Sucky dreams and work fails

Entry for March 03, 2009
I only had one dream last night – best I can recall it went on all night because it was the only one I remember having both times that I woke during the night and I was still dreaming the same dream when woke up this morning - fretting and struggling frantically around the entire surface of my bed.

I dreamt I was at work and it was as hectic in my dream as work is in reality at the moment.

Man, now that really, really sucks!

So having spent eight hours dreaming about toiling through a hard day at work I had to get up and feel enthusiastic about a hard day at work... And that’s what I would have to call a nightmare – I really need to cut out the hot chocolate cake and ice cream right before bed – this shit is making me tired.

The netball season is upon us and every afternoon this week has found me watching Alex either trialing or playing. It’s no real hardship to be honest, everywhere I look I see young women running around in extremely short skirts, it is far from an unpleasant prospect...

It seems to me that Netballers in general have great legs, a bit like cyclists


My vehicle remains unwarranted – enough said about that particular Fail

Ahh, speaking of Fail. I had my first work Fail the other day. A customer had phoned me and asked me to identify a particular product for him based on size and color. Given that we produce approximately thirty different products that are the same size and color this was quite laughable. I asked if it was possible for him to photograph the product in question and email it to me. His response was that it would be difficult as it was installed somewhere in Whangamata and my counter response was that, that made it even more difficult for me!
Long story short, he jumped in his car and lit out for Whanga armed with his digital camera. Four hours later I received an email from him. Attached was an out of focus and blurred photo of the corner of the device which showed the approximate size and the color with all the critical parts like the model and serial label just outside of the frame.
Unbelievable! Four hours for nothing – FAIL!

At least I got to laugh a lot that afternoon and I suppose it’s nice to know that at any given time in the world there is somebody out there who is a bigger plonker than me.

My Birthday has come and gone again for another year. I think the best part about the day is I get to take the day off from work and given that this year it fell on a Monday the three day weekend was a hoot and allowed me to get to work on Tuesday under the influence of a reasonable hangover.

Currently listening to:

The Eminem Show – Eminem
Hip Hop Party – House of Pain
The Best Of – George Harrison

Of the benefits of red wine...

Entry for February 23, 2009
I have decided that white T-Shirts are actually magnets for red wine!

I think the equation would be something like:

Any persons ability to keep a white T-Shirt white is inversely proportional to the number of red wines consumed at any one sitting.


So February has indeed, as predicted by many, turned out to be a month filled with turmoil. However having had many discussions about said turmoils I find very little need to write anything more about the whole torrid affair and instead feel the need to move forward swiftly in order to leave the entire unsavory episode in the dust where it belongs.

The warrant on my vehicle has expired and I seem to be too damn lazy to do anything about it. I have a feeling that this is going to bite me with great pressure in the softest parts of my butt and I still cant seem to gather the chi to get off my ass and do anything about it - sheesh! when will I learn?

Still on the topic of red wine:- I noticed that my motivation to write seems greatly stimulated by the application of several (read - many) red wines and in conclusion I noted that one of the many advantages of the written word over the spoken word was
- at least when you write you cant slur!

My parting thought for this entry ran thus:

"Is it too much to ask, that people just be smart enough to know when they are being stupid"?

Also; I have become involved with the "Disclosure Project" but still have much more research to do before I tear into this with my usual enthusiasm or write here about it.

Currently listening to:

Past, Present, Future - Tiki Tane
Love Over Gold - Dire Straits

Of the run stop phenomenomenomenom

Entry for February 19, 2009
Well it seems the super hot weather has passed.

It made me laugh the other day; I think it was Thursday 12/02/09. The hottest day in 120 odd years! And then Saturday rolled around and the temperature plummeted by 50% WTF!

Imagine the tourist that came to New Zealand during those three days. They’re on the plane on Saturday flying out of the southern hemisphere and they’re told ‘prep for hot weather’, New Zealand is having the hottest weather for 120 years and then they step out of the airport terminal (still on the Saturday) and fuck me its bloody 14 degrees Celsius!

Mind you it could be worse I suppose you could be somewhere in Victoria or Brisbane...

Which reminds me; I’ve been watching a lot of Community Channels videos on Youtube lately ( ) partly because Natalie uses high definition and its nice to be able to watch a full screen Youtube video, partly because she is rather nice to look at and mostly because she presents some of the best observational humor on the internet these days IMO. Anyway in a recent clip she was talking about the run stop phenomenon you see occurring whenever a bus pulls up at a stop and some poor soul is not quite there yet. ( )
It became pertinent to me yesterday while I was stopped at the lights and a middle aged woman did the run stop thingy. It seems so wrong but... she slipped and went ass over kite during one of the ‘run’ phases and the people in the car in front of me and those in the car behind laughed as hard as I did. It didn’t look all that painful but the ultimate insult was that as her handbag skidded to a halt halfway out on the road a large 4WD on the inside lane, which had a green arrow to turn left but had braked heavily for the handbag skidded to a halt on top of it and its contents. Realizing that they were not going to hit the stricken woman and obviously unaware of the handbags plight they drove off. They hadn’t, as it turned out driven over the bag itself, but of the many contents they had, including what looked like a cell phone one was a little blue plastic case which had either burst open or had been crushed by the behemoths tires and had poured forth an altogether alarming number of tampons.
So as the vehicle turned the corner away from all of us, waiting for our turn at the lights, we were greatly amused to see a little shower of tampons flinging off both the front and rear passenger side tires and one or two stuck firmly between the treads. And I thought looking foolish run stop running for a bus was bad enough.

Poor thing.

Currently listening to:

The Fame – Lady Gaga
The Lemon Parade - Tonic


Entry for February 18, 2009
Funny isn’t it how people can reach out to you over distance –
I personally, never believed it possible.

Yes; those that I have remained close to over these many years have become ever closer, but some I have never physically touched, have become as close. I suspect only from my perspective but that, is real to me.

To those few I speak of; I love you -

You know who you are, you know I speak of you – and yet, although we never touch each other’s hands, nor feel each other’s hearts as we embrace in greeting or parting, we feel each other’s pulse and we soar with our success’s and revel in the moments that endear us to each other.

Currently listening to:

When The World Comes Down - All American Rejects.
Now...Us - No Angels.
Relics - Pink Floyd

Christmas log

Entry for February 10, 2009
This feels a little ... meh. Probably because I still feel a little ... bleh, but here we go :-

So... it’s been a rather long hiatus but with the return of the work routine it seems now is as good a time as ever to quickly catch up with the events of the past few months.

Christmas came and went in a whir of color, sound and beautiful weather.

Alex and I were fortunate enough to be invited to stay with Julian, Kelly and the boys up at Bayleys beach.
Darik and Ange were there also with their children Lucan and Alexsis, while Jeff and Krista showed up later, arriving on the afternoon of New Years eve.

For posterity’s sake I will write an account of the night of New Years eve and of New Years night itself but that will be somewhat of an undertaking and will require a lot more thought...

For both Alex and my part, the time we spent there this year will only further reinforce the already more than fond memories we have of this particular area of the country.

Good times.

We spent the following week at Whangamata. Alex took her friend Tasha.

It must have been one of the hottest years there on record. We woke up to 24 deg C and then it got hotter. We went to the beach, got in the water and stayed there!

It’s always nice to spend time with my mum and dad down there and it was one of the very few times that when time came to leave, I didn’t really want to.

Back to work for one week and I’m nailed by an intestinal virus, more on that next time...

Currently Listening to:

The Warning - Hot Chip
Get Your Ya Ya's Out - The Rolling Stones
Jan 2009 - Ministry Of House

Of turtles and failed rescues...

Entry for September 17, 2008



I went for a drive up Muriwai beach today with my daughter and a good mate.

We came upon a turtle.

My friend thought it was a tortoise but as it turns out a tortoise is a chelonian that lives in dry conditions and has flippers suitable for moving them through sand rather than water – there you go, now don’t say I never offer any insight into the animal world.

Anyhuuuuu :-

We thought we would be clever and assist the poor creature back into deeper water as it was washed up on a stretch of typically rough west coast beach with nearly 100 meters of extremely broken surf before clear water.

I posted the video on my YouTube channel and I’ve put the link in the comments section.

When we got home Alex and I got to talking about our foray into wildlife rescue and it suddenly dawned on us – What if the poor bastard had just spent the whole day struggling and fighting its way ashore for a bit of a rest, only to find the inhospitable humans it first encountered turned him on his ass and put him back in the thick of it!

Shit! Shit, shit, shit.

What if it was a female and she had used up the very last of her energy coming ashore to lay fucking eggs!

Alex and I have decided that there is probably a damn good reason why the people who take care of these types of occurrences are called experts...


Of pet peeves...

Entry for September 17, 2008



So hurricanes Gustav, Hanna and Ike have all but passed and again I‘m left wondering about the manner in which these events are reported.

Wind speeds and rainfall are always of interest to me but one of the measurements nearly always presented to us, is the estimated cost of the damage.


Why is it so important? Who the hell cares about the dollar cost?

What – am I supposed to be angry at the nasty hurricane for costing the insurance community a whole truck load of money?

Am I supposed to feel guilty that it didn’t cost me a thing?

No single individual is going to be getting their wallet out to pay for it are they?

Let’s face it, the number of zeros attached to the figures that get quoted, put the number straight into the “I can’t even imagine that many - anything’s, let alone dollars” category which means I forget it almost instantly anyway!

Guess it’s just me and one of those ‘pet peeves’ things.

Of Snot and moustaches...

Entry for September 17, 2008



Im sporting a new and fresh faced look right now.

I had to shave off my pornstache and goatee.

The goatee had to go because of a slip with the clippers during a tidyup but the mo had to go for a reason I had never before considered.

I have been under the weather with a cold and a bout of flu.

A moustache is in no way conducive to efficient blowing and wiping of the nose.

Nuff said!

Of electricity and hair removal...

Entry for September 17, 2008



Yesterday wasn’t what I would call a good day.

Alex had come to tell me that she was having her eyebrows waxed somewhere or other and an idea I had been brewing for sometime suddenly gained a lot more momentum.

Having to shave everyday pisses me off and for many years I had been toying with the idea of designing and building an electrolysis tool.

I sat and explained the theory to Alex but she seemed a little hesitant to let me experiment on her eyebrows.

So once again the job of test dummy fell to me...

Now the theory is quite simple; apply the prerequisite voltage across your skin and the tip of the hair you wish to remove – hey presto a current flows through the hair tip into your skin and fries the root – simplicity itself.

Armed with little to no research I moved immediately into experimental mode.

Problem: How much voltage would I need to apply across the skin/hair to create enough current flow to burn the root?

I reasoned that it would not take a lot of energy to burn the root, but it would take a reasonable amount of voltage to get any current to flow through hair.

Building the device I required to generate the voltage I needed was elementary enough and by designing it with a large range of adjustability it meant that I could – hopefully - gently increase the output until I achieved the desired result.

If I had of bothered to do a little more research I would have discovered that the small units already available to the consumer make it quite clear that a salt solution needs to be applied directly to the skin, both at the treatment area and where the other probe makes contact with the skin. The effect of the salt solution is of course to increase the conductivity meaning dangerously high voltages are not necessary in order to create the required current flow.

However, I had not bothered to do a little more research!

And so - somewhere around the 30,000 volt mark a small blue spark completely ignored the hair I was attempting to destroy and leapt from the probe tip directly to my skin.

It wasn’t so bad as electric shocks go. But it was very hot and it did kind of catch me by surprise and given that I had one probe sticky taped to my right hand and the spark had touched down on my left arm I was left feeling like an unwilling participant in a de-fibrillation demonstration.

The worst of it was that during my natural reaction to pull away from the diabolical contraption I managed to yank it off the bench in front of me and into my lap whereupon multiple sparks began to leap from the un-insulated terminations of the circuit board through my jeans and into my crotch!

Oh it burns, it burns.

Thankfully it all came to a close when, kicking and convulsing violently I fell heavily to the floor and most of the damned wires attached to both myself and the dastardly device ripped out.

Suffice to say the project has been binned. And if Alex ever wants to travel down that road I’ll recommend the device below.

**Note to self**

Never let an electric fence come anywhere near your testicles.

Of boredom...

Entry for September 17, 2008



I find myself in a very strange place at the moment.

It seems like nothing exciting is happening around me.

The kids are settled and doing well.

My parents are in good health and neither I nor any of my friends is in trouble with the law.

It’s a little bit boring.

I know it’s wrong but I could quite happily do with something dramatic to happen.

You know, like a building fire or a multi car pile up.

In a strange way it would almost be a relief if an airplane fell out of the sky, crashed through the workshop roof and blew my workplace to bits!

At least something would have happened!

I suppose the seven weeks of rain we’ve had doesn’t help.

I’ve had nothing better to do on the weekends but drink myself into a stupor and stare stupidly out the window wondering when the rain will stop and what I should drink next.

It’s an awful cycle really – I look outside and think; raining again, nothing for it but to get monked and then of course once I’m inebriated I start to hope it keeps raining so I have an excuse for getting completely wrecked. Once wrecked, I fall asleep and when I wake up the next day it’s raining again...

About the only small degree of excitement I’ve experienced in the last few weeks has been at the hands of my youngest daughter who I’m in the process of teaching to drive.

However unlike the hair raising and frankly dangerous episodes I was subjected to during her older brothers driving lessons, hers are much calmer and subdued efforts.

Perhaps this weekend will prove to be more interesting when I get her out amongst the other traffic. Hopefully we don’t end up at the bottom of the ‘multi car pile up’ I am so keen to witness.

Airplanes and tears

Entry for July 29, 2008



I had to fly to Christchurch to work today. It wasn’t too much of an unpleasant prospect really, except that the weather was pretty much crap. The weather forecast was for extremely high wind and torrential rain - hmmmm pleasant flying conditions ahoy.

So yeah, it was a pretty bumpy take off and it’s always made a touch more unpleasant when small children scream at the slightest hint of turbulence. But on the whole it was reasonably smooth once we got up to 32 thousand.

The day was unremarkable as work days go. Successful but all the same, unremarkable.

The flight home was the tricky bit.

Mundane as the day had been, I was tired.

I was up at 5AM in order to get to the airport on time and the flight home was delayed by an hour and a half due to high wind. I finally managed to board my substitute flight at about 10:30PM and wasn’t exactly feeling like the brightest lamp in the house.

Several things conspired to make it a little unpleasant on the flight home.

Firstly, I was sat next to the emergency hatch and the hostess took exception to the fact that I couldn’t give a rats ass about the delivery of her pox ridden safety spiel. And the situation only got worse when I informed her so.

I fly reasonably often so I am aware that as the person seated next to the emergency exit I am expected to remove the hatch if required and assist in the evacuation of other passengers. I also know that the life jackets are under the seat, the oxygen masks will drop from above if need be and I know the recommended position to take up if I need to brace for impact, enough already!

The second challenge for the flight home was the young girl seated beside me. Believe me, on the whole I have no problem with young women (I am sure those of you who know me well enough are more than aware...) She would have been about 18 or 19 years old and I would have said, a pretty wee thing except... From the moment we sat down she cried!

The flight is only an hour or so but this girl cried for the entire flight!

So what would you do in this situation?

Do you reach out and get told that everything is o.k? – annoying!

Do you reach out and then spend an hour listening to a sob story? – really annoying!!

Or do you do what I did and put your earphones in, turn up your MP3 player and bury your nose in your book. Really, what would you do?