Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Carried over from FaceBook

From the facebook archives
It probably happens a lot, but I’m guessing more with boys perhaps than girls.

Have you noticed that whenever we get together in groups, we tend to start talking about the naughty or bad things we used to do?

The other night I was at my parents for dinner and my mother and I were reminiscing about how we used to go shopping every Thursday; I was just a boy, maybe 8 or 9.

I quite clearly remembered wandering around the shelves eating the raisins and sultanas that had come out of the damaged packets and searching under the shelves for loose coins.

One of the small things that vividly came to mind was the little game I used to play with the other shoppers.

I called it, “catch the unwary finger”.

I loved going to the shelf where the rat and mouse traps were kept. They fascinated me, all springs, tricky catch triggers and death… I am a boy remember.

So what I used to enjoy doing was to set as many rat and mouse traps as I could without clapping my own fingers in one or setting the whole damn caboodle off.

Stacked up and ready, I would leave it all there armed like so many tiny booby traps ready to strike the unaware.

Then I would slink back to my mother’s side, ever the innocent boy, never one to perform such mischief’s, the helpful angel in my mother’s eyes.

I never got to see them all go off but in many ways that was so much more fun.

I knew as well as you do that eventually it did – I wonder who got it…

Daryl W.

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