Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Of the run stop phenomenomenomenom

Entry for February 19, 2009
Well it seems the super hot weather has passed.

It made me laugh the other day; I think it was Thursday 12/02/09. The hottest day in 120 odd years! And then Saturday rolled around and the temperature plummeted by 50% WTF!

Imagine the tourist that came to New Zealand during those three days. They’re on the plane on Saturday flying out of the southern hemisphere and they’re told ‘prep for hot weather’, New Zealand is having the hottest weather for 120 years and then they step out of the airport terminal (still on the Saturday) and fuck me its bloody 14 degrees Celsius!

Mind you it could be worse I suppose you could be somewhere in Victoria or Brisbane...

Which reminds me; I’ve been watching a lot of Community Channels videos on Youtube lately ( ) partly because Natalie uses high definition and its nice to be able to watch a full screen Youtube video, partly because she is rather nice to look at and mostly because she presents some of the best observational humor on the internet these days IMO. Anyway in a recent clip she was talking about the run stop phenomenon you see occurring whenever a bus pulls up at a stop and some poor soul is not quite there yet. ( )
It became pertinent to me yesterday while I was stopped at the lights and a middle aged woman did the run stop thingy. It seems so wrong but... she slipped and went ass over kite during one of the ‘run’ phases and the people in the car in front of me and those in the car behind laughed as hard as I did. It didn’t look all that painful but the ultimate insult was that as her handbag skidded to a halt halfway out on the road a large 4WD on the inside lane, which had a green arrow to turn left but had braked heavily for the handbag skidded to a halt on top of it and its contents. Realizing that they were not going to hit the stricken woman and obviously unaware of the handbags plight they drove off. They hadn’t, as it turned out driven over the bag itself, but of the many contents they had, including what looked like a cell phone one was a little blue plastic case which had either burst open or had been crushed by the behemoths tires and had poured forth an altogether alarming number of tampons.
So as the vehicle turned the corner away from all of us, waiting for our turn at the lights, we were greatly amused to see a little shower of tampons flinging off both the front and rear passenger side tires and one or two stuck firmly between the treads. And I thought looking foolish run stop running for a bus was bad enough.

Poor thing.

Currently listening to:

The Fame – Lady Gaga
The Lemon Parade - Tonic

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