Wednesday, June 24, 2009



A good friend asked me to explain the phenomenon of gravity to him the other day.

It got me to thinking.

In these days of science and with the Internet and the plethora of knowledge that is now available to us via that medium, there is not much left to our imagination. The mysteries of the world appear to be dwindling.

Fear thee not. If ever you begin to believe that mystery will soon belong only within the realm of fiction, just think “Gravity”

Right at this very moment some of the greatest minds of the world, perhaps of all time, are arguing, theorizing, postulating and experimenting in an effort to understand the miracle of gravity and still it remains a mystery.

Myself – I will always have three mysteries to carry me through those times when it feels that another question that need not be answered, has been.

1) Where did we come from and why?
2) What happens when we leave?
3) How the hell does gravity work?

Okay, I know as much as the next 7th form physics student: Big things attract small things but, WHY???

So for all of you who like myself, believe some things should just be left well enough alone, rejoice in the knowledge that smarty pants man is not quite as clever as he would like to think he is and mystery will still exist on this planet for what I hope to be many years into the future.

Daryl W.


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