Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sucky dreams and work fails

Entry for March 03, 2009
I only had one dream last night – best I can recall it went on all night because it was the only one I remember having both times that I woke during the night and I was still dreaming the same dream when woke up this morning - fretting and struggling frantically around the entire surface of my bed.

I dreamt I was at work and it was as hectic in my dream as work is in reality at the moment.

Man, now that really, really sucks!

So having spent eight hours dreaming about toiling through a hard day at work I had to get up and feel enthusiastic about a hard day at work... And that’s what I would have to call a nightmare – I really need to cut out the hot chocolate cake and ice cream right before bed – this shit is making me tired.

The netball season is upon us and every afternoon this week has found me watching Alex either trialing or playing. It’s no real hardship to be honest, everywhere I look I see young women running around in extremely short skirts, it is far from an unpleasant prospect...

It seems to me that Netballers in general have great legs, a bit like cyclists


My vehicle remains unwarranted – enough said about that particular Fail

Ahh, speaking of Fail. I had my first work Fail the other day. A customer had phoned me and asked me to identify a particular product for him based on size and color. Given that we produce approximately thirty different products that are the same size and color this was quite laughable. I asked if it was possible for him to photograph the product in question and email it to me. His response was that it would be difficult as it was installed somewhere in Whangamata and my counter response was that, that made it even more difficult for me!
Long story short, he jumped in his car and lit out for Whanga armed with his digital camera. Four hours later I received an email from him. Attached was an out of focus and blurred photo of the corner of the device which showed the approximate size and the color with all the critical parts like the model and serial label just outside of the frame.
Unbelievable! Four hours for nothing – FAIL!

At least I got to laugh a lot that afternoon and I suppose it’s nice to know that at any given time in the world there is somebody out there who is a bigger plonker than me.

My Birthday has come and gone again for another year. I think the best part about the day is I get to take the day off from work and given that this year it fell on a Monday the three day weekend was a hoot and allowed me to get to work on Tuesday under the influence of a reasonable hangover.

Currently listening to:

The Eminem Show – Eminem
Hip Hop Party – House of Pain
The Best Of – George Harrison

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