Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Of turtles and failed rescues...

Entry for September 17, 2008



I went for a drive up Muriwai beach today with my daughter and a good mate.

We came upon a turtle.

My friend thought it was a tortoise but as it turns out a tortoise is a chelonian that lives in dry conditions and has flippers suitable for moving them through sand rather than water – there you go, now don’t say I never offer any insight into the animal world.

Anyhuuuuu :-

We thought we would be clever and assist the poor creature back into deeper water as it was washed up on a stretch of typically rough west coast beach with nearly 100 meters of extremely broken surf before clear water.

I posted the video on my YouTube channel and I’ve put the link in the comments section.

When we got home Alex and I got to talking about our foray into wildlife rescue and it suddenly dawned on us – What if the poor bastard had just spent the whole day struggling and fighting its way ashore for a bit of a rest, only to find the inhospitable humans it first encountered turned him on his ass and put him back in the thick of it!

Shit! Shit, shit, shit.

What if it was a female and she had used up the very last of her energy coming ashore to lay fucking eggs!

Alex and I have decided that there is probably a damn good reason why the people who take care of these types of occurrences are called experts...


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