Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Of seasons...


Have you ever noticed how the sunlight changes in tone and color as the shift in season approaches, not only as a color or as a difference in depth of richness but it changes in a way that you can almost breathe.

Everyday at 3 in the afternoon I stand outside and inhale deeply. At the same time I make a mental note of the light and make comparisons over the last few weeks. I suppose it has something to do with the angle that the suns light cuts through the atmosphere, nevertheless it inspires and invigorates me, despite the direction of the change. It means a new beginning is hiding just behind the corner of a retreating season. If I am bidding farewell to summer I can anticipate thick hearty stews and hot roast dinners, steaming soups and warm puddings, long sleeves and thick sweatshirts. If it is winter that leaves me I look forward to BBQ's and fresh crisp salads, seafood, ice cold chardonnays, board shorts and flip flops.

A change is coming, I can feel it and it smells like SUMMER.

Daryl W.


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